28 juli 2015
Geen Britse deelnemers op WK tweespannen 2015
British Carriagedriving regret to announce that a British team will not be contesting the Horse Pairs World Championships in Fábiánsebestyén, Hungary from 9-13 September 2015. This difficult decision was taken by the three selected drivers James Broome, Angela Flanagan and David Matthews in conjunction with their Chef d’Equipe, Jo Attenborough and team vet Rosie Mould.
British Carriagedriving wish to thank these individuals who have all invested a great deal of time and effort preparing for this Championship but, as all three drivers work in the equine industry, they agreed the current level of EIA (Equine Infectious Anaemia) in Hungary, published by the European Commission and the OIE (World Organisation of Animal Health), made the risk too great.
It is hoped that British drivers will be able to contend the 2017 World Championships in Lipica, Slovenia, for which preparation will begin shortly.
Source: British Carriagedriving