23 April 2019
2020 World Championship Logo Launched
All eyes of the equestrian world will be focussed on the Four-in-hand World Championships being held on the grounds of Grandorse in Kronenberg, Limburg from 2-6 September 2020. The logo for this showpiece of the Limburg Equestrian Sport has recently been launched.Over the past few years the province of Limburg has promoted themselves as the equestrian sport province of the Netherlands, and it was for this reason that it was decided to give Limburg a prominent place in the logo. The four horse heads pictured in the logo is a logical step from the logo for the World Championships for single horses and para-driving that was successfully held in Kronenberg in 2018.
The preparations for this fantastic event are well under way. Behind the scenes there is a lot of hard work going into making sure the 2020 World four-in-hand Championships are a success and to promote the province of Limburg as an Equestrian Sport Province.