5 August 2013

TimerGPS very useful for training in combined driving

TimerGPS Europe is introducing a GPS device that is very useful for training in the combined driving sport.

The use of the TimerGPS allows a driver to know exactly how long he has driven, how many kilometres and at which average speed. The TimerGPS is also very useful in the cones training.
Eline Houterman (NED), member of the Dutch Talent Driving Team, has tested the TimerGPS during the training sessions with her horse. Her father Jeroen is an International Course Designer and they are both very enthusiastic about the use and functionalities of the TimerGPS:

“You first walk the cones course with the TimerGPS and you check how many meters you have measured. Then you drive the course, using the TimerGPS to measure the meters you actually drive. You can see your average speed and the number of meters that you have driven. If you drive more meters than measured on foot, you have to drive shorter routes. This is a very valuable training for the cones competition, especially to know whether the measured speed of 250m/min or 230m/min is achieved,” explains Jeroen Houterman.
TimerGPS designs and produces innovative training computers for equine sports, including the Carriage Driving and Eventing computer. With this computer you can see the real time pace, travelled distance and time. A countdown function with minute alarms, track training and interval training is also included. All the data are stored in the device so you can easily review your training afterwards.

For more information please contact:
Alexander Sandau??
Phone: +358 40 094 1211
[email protected]