24 July 2019

Pau underway with preparations for World Championship test event

Nestled in the beautiful French Pyrenese mountains, Pau is hosting an important test competition from 24-27 October to prepare for the single horse World Championships which are being held there in 2020.

Photo: Krisztina Horváth

The organization is expecting a large number of competitors to travel to the event as they prepare for next years World Championship. The drivers will not only be competing for individual titles, as Pau has also been awarded a Nations Cup, putting team medals up for grabs as well.

The competition will begin on Thursday 24 October with the veterinary inspection, and depending on the number of entries a portion of the competitors may drive dressage. Friday 25 October is completely reserved for dressage, and Saturday 26 October cones driving is on the program. As the show is being held in conjunction with a five-star eventing competition, when the cones is complete, the spectacular eventing cross country will be ridden. On Sunday 26 October the drivers will drive their marathon followed by the eventers closing their competition in the main arena with show jumping.

Click here for more information

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