19 October 2019

FEI Courses in Austria, Great Britain and Poland

In January, February and March 2020, several Courses for FEI Officials will be organised in Austria, Great Britain and Poland.

From 31 January to 2 February there is a Course for FEI Judges and Stewards in Hainburg an der Donau in Austria.
Click here for more information

From 20 to 23 February there is a Course for FEI Judges, Course Designers, Technical Delegates and Stewards in Stow on the Wold, Great Britain.
Click here for more information

From 17 to 22 March there is a Course for FEI Judges, Course Designers, Technical Delegates and Stewards in Poznan, Poland.
Click here for more information

Photo: Rinaldo de Craen

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