6 April 2020

An Introduction to the Hoefnet Team – Kelly: ‘I am learning every day’

Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of Hoefnet. With more than 133,000 unique visitors per month, it has become one of the most popular combined-driving websites in the world. But who are the people behind Hoefnet? We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our staff, and this time it is Kelly's turn, our English translator.

'I am learning every day'

‘I work behind the scenes at Hoefnet translating articles from Dutch to English. While not formally trained, I do my very best to bring the text to you in a concise and easily digestible manner. I love language, writing and the puzzle of putting phrases together piece by piece. Though, as the Dutch really do love their proverbs, it is a continuous challenge and I am learning every day!’

Fingers crossed for Pau

‘A Canadian by birth, I moved to Europe for a three-month placement as a working student… almost twelve years ago. I now reside in the south of the Netherlands with my husband and four-year old son and we run a small training stable here. Day to day I train four horses (two driving and two dressage) and in a non-corona world compete in both ridden dressage and combined driving competitions. With my 12-year-old Oldenburg gelding Flip and super-groom Meike Paridaans we have had some success at the international level and continue to train towards (fingers crossed) the World Championships this fall in Pau.’

Kelly and Meike are a super team
Photo: Foto Šárka

'Promotion of the sport is very important to me'

‘In addition to riding and driving and translating and parenting, I am also lucky to have a couple of keen students here in the Netherlands. I was really looking forward to doing a series of clinics in the UK in partnership with my sponsor Bennington Carriages, but that is now something to look forward to in the future! Promotion of the sport is something very important to me, and I do my best to get to Canada on a bi-annual basis to give clinics to a small but mighty group of enthusiastic and ambitious drivers there.

As difficult as things are now, I am so thankful for our horses and the escape they give us from the reality of daily life. Keep focused, keep training, wash your hands and I hope to see you on the showgrounds soon!’

Read more about Kelly and her team on her Facebook page.

Kelly regularly trains her (carriage driving) horses under the saddle, also on the competition showgrounds
Photo: Esther Klok

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