3 September 2020

FEI guidelines for prize giving ceremonies and media

In order to help the show organizers of international competitions and championships with prize giving ceremonies and media appearances, the FEI has published a set of guidelines to keep competitions Covid-19 free. These guidelines serve as an addition to the rules that local governments have implemented and are only required for FEI sanctioned events.

During the international competition in Exloo the prize giving ceremony was well organized, with social distancing and no handshakes. Even with the extra rules, the celebratory atmosphere was not in the least hindered.

Face masks

Under the new guidelines, physical contact is not allowed. There are rules for hand disinfection, and social distancing is always required. Everyone (officials, sponsors, grooms and competitors) must wear face masks, with the exception of a prize giving in harness, where the driver in not required to wear a face mask. The moment a driver steps down from a carriage and onto a podium a face mask will be required.

The show announcer will also be required to wear a face mask when they are present in the ring, though they may remove the face mask when they are speaking, but must then stay socially distanced at least 2 meters away from another person.

The FEI emphasizes the importance of social distancing, even when face masks are being worn. In addition, the show organization must provide face masks for the duration of the competition. The World Championships in Valkenswaard have taken the initiative to make special face masks for the occasion.

The podium

National teams may not step up on the podium at the same time. They will be asked one by one to take the podium. For individual medals, the winners will be able to stand on the podium together as long as social distancing can be maintained. If social distancing on a podium can not be maintained, the organization can then decide to keep drivers on the carriages for the duration of the ceremony.

Press and Media

Photographers and other members of the press must adhere to social distancing guidelines (at least 2 meters) and must wear face masks. This also applies to the persons that they interview, (much like the format that is currently being used in the Formula 1 and cycling circuits). Special hygiene and disinfection rules for equipment have also been put into place.

Read the guidelines

Click here for all of the Covid-19 information from the FEI

corona proof prize giving ceremony at CAI Exloo
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

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