16 February 2021

Marathon obstacles taking shape in Budapest for European Championship

From 30 August to 5 September 2021 the European Championships for four-in-hand horses will be held in Budapest. Kincsem Park located in the heart of the city will welcome driving enthusiasts and the 'World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition' that is being held simultaniously.

For the future

The marathon obstacles are taking form in the middle of the racecourse. The grounds where greyhound races, rugby games and pentathlon competitions usually take place will enjoy the addition of eight beautiful obstacles and include two water features. One of the water obstacles will be equipped with a beautiful bridge, promising spectacular views for drivers and spectators alike. Beside the main arena two grass training arenas have been constructed and there is room for approximately 6000 spectators.

The development of the marathon obstacles fits in perfectly with the long term strategy of owner Kincsem Nemzeti Kft. It is the intention that the 15 hecatres of ground surrounding Kincsem Park will also be used for large-scale driving competitions in the future.



Photo: Váraljai Zoltán


The Hungarians will be celebrating this weekend of competition and trade fairs the 50th anniversary of the first European Championship for four-in-hands which was organized in Budapest in 1971. The European Championship in 1971 took place as a side event of the World Hunting Exhibition where Prince Philip was the guest.


Photo: Váraljai Zoltán

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