31 August 2021

Successful first CAI3* and CAI2* in Latvia

Last weekend, an international driving competition at two-and three-star level was organized for the first time in the history of the Baltic countries. Koceni in Latvia welcomed competitors from Latvia, Estonia and Finland in the single horse and single pony classes.

The best after three days competing in the 3* horse single class was Talvikki Järvinen from Finland. The first places in the other categories went to Estonia with Ülar Raudsep winning the 2* single horse class and Riina Rõa was the best in the 2* single pony class.

President of Ground Jury Hillar Talts from Estonia explains: “This OC has organized driving events on national level for 12 years and they were ready to move on to international level before, but this year they did it. After having organized several CAI1* competitions in the past, this was their first event on 2* and 3* level. The show has been very popular in the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). The venue has nicely designed marathon obstacles and enough space for dressage and cones. Everything is very compact which is good for both the spectators and the officials. “

Talvikki Järvinen
Photo: Marie de Ronde-Oudemans

Latvian 3* driver Dace Sture was member of the organizing committee and she was very happy and thankful that drivers from the neighbouring countries gave their support by competing at the event in these difficult times. The OC would like to welcome everyone back next year.

Click here for the photoalbum

Click here for the results

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