11 January 2022

FEI Course for Driving Officials in Kronenberg goes ahead!

The planned FEI Course for Driving Officials in Kronenberg from 9th to 13th February is going ahead as planned. Despite the current Covid measures, it is still possible to use the facilities and meals in the Parkhotel, although in a slightly adjusted way. The number of people in the meeting rooms is not restricted, as long as everyone keeps 1,5 m distance.

No less than over 40 international Judges, Stewards, Course Designers and Technical Delegates have entered for this Course, but there is room for more candidates. That is why the application date is extended to Friday 21st January.

The course is for both promotion (transfer) and maintenance.

The Judges will be taught by Andrew Counsell (GBR), the Stewards by Martin Röske (GER), the Technical Delegates by Philip Bateman (GBR) and the Course Designers by Jeroen Houterman (NED).

The classroom parts will be held in the Parkhotel in Horst aan de Maas, the practical parts will take place at the World Championship location Grandorse in Kronenberg.

Apply before 21st January 2022!

The deadline for applications is now 21st January 2022. Please apply through your National Federation.

Click here for the invitations on the FEI Calendar.
Attention! There is a separate invitation per Official group for maintenance and for promotion (transfer)!

Click here for more information.

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