13 January 2022

Peter van Kooij retiring as steward

FEI steward Peter van Kooij has handed in his notice to the FEI and KNHS. But not to worry, he promises to still be active as a volunteer in the driving world.

“I’ve been wrestling with this for a while,” he says. “Another course was around the corner and I felt that if I went through with it that there would be an expectation to continue.” Since 2003 Peter has been a fixture at competitions first as ring master and later as steward.


Photo: Krisztina Horváth

Further as a volunteer

A life without combined driving doesn’t exist for Peter van Kooij. “I will definitely be involved as a volunteer at competitions as I still want to be involved with the sport. In my time as steward I have enjoyed working with everyone, and I will continue to in the future as well, just in a different roll.”


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