15 April 2022

Kronenberg 2022: A good first day

Today the international competition in Kronenberg started with the dressage, which was held over four arena's. The 3* pony pairs, horses and Four-in-Hand ponies drove the new FEI test.

Dutch Podium

The 3* pony pairs had a completely Dutch podium. Melanie van de Bunt won, followed by Anneke Cremers and Cas Hendriks third. “It takes some time, to learn a new test by heart after six years”, says Van de Bunt. “My focus today was mainly on not making a mistake. The ponies looked good, but there are still plenty of areas for improvement, as there always is of course.”

Van de Bunt actually wanted to use a young pony for dressage. “In the end it came a little too early for him. This is our first competition of the season. The ponies are in great shape, so that’s not the issue. I hope I don’t have my hands too full in the marathon tomorrow!”

Melanie van de Bunt, Kronenberg 2021
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

Many Scores Under The 50

Marijke Hammink is also in good form. After winning the competition in Exloo earlier this season, she again managed to leave the competition behind with her Four-in-Hand ponies. She scored 45.11. Tinne Bax and Jan de Boer also remained under 50. They followed in second and third place with 47.27 and 49.80 penalty points.

Peter Zeegers won the 2* single horse division today with 47.27 penalty points. The gap between him and his closest competition is more than 7 penalty points. In the 2* single ponies, Els Broekman is in the lead with 46.47 and Jorn van Olst won today with his pony pair.

Boyd Exell won today with 38.19 penalties. He is therefore 3.59 penalty points ahead of IJsbrand Chardon, who is in second place. Marijke Harm completes the podium in dressage with the score of 48.11 penalty points.

Exciting battle

The French did good business today. Fabrice Martin and Marion Vignaud are first and second in the single horses and Francois Dutilloy and Franck Grimonprez are at the top of the 3* pair driving horses. Anna de Ronde drove her pair to a very good fourth place.

Anne de Ronde is fourth after dressage
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

Still, Fabrice Martin and Marion Vignaud can expect competition. Saskia Siebers is in third place, with a 0.56 penalty point difference on number one. “I am very happy with my test today”, says Siebers. “Axel felt great, moved nicely from back to front and was sharp. Unfortunately we had a mistake in the walk, he jogged a bit in it. That was a shame, but that can happen if they are sharp of course.”

About the marathon tomorrow she says: “The marathon is as we are used to from Kronenberg: very technical. But we found nice lines, so we’re going to go for it! Exloo was a great first competition this season, but this weekend we are really getting going. That was the intention, so it’s nice that the two competitions are so close together.”

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Saskia Siebers, Kronenberg 2021
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

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