28 July 2022

Beekbergen 2022: Martin Hölle wins dressage

Under ideal conditions, the pair drivers drove dressage today. The weather was great and the dressage arena was in perfect condition. There was already a large audience present to follow the competition in Beekbergen.

Van de 32 deelnemers scoorde Martin Hölle de hoogste punten. Hij leidt de wedstrijd met 35,74 strafpunten. De 5 juryleden plaatsten hem unaniem op de eerste plaats. Martin had naast de schimmel Eppie een nieuw paard staan, de achtjarige Juventus. “Ik was er heel tevreden over”, zegt hij. “Het was voor Juventus zijn eerste wedstrijd. Natuurlijk trainen we hem al veel langer en dat gaat heel goed. Het was voor het eerst in zo’n entourage. Qua maat en gangenwerk past Juventus mooi naast routinier Eppie. In het begin maakte de schimmel zich wat groot en Juventus had wat spanning. Maar in het tweede deel van de proef kwam de ontspanning.”

Martin Hölle scored the highest points today. He leads the pair competition with 35.74 penalty points. The 5 judges unanimously placed him in first place. Martin had a new horse next to the gray Eppie, the eight-year-old Juventus. “I was very pleased with it,” he says. “It was Juventus’ first competition. Of course we have been training him for much longer and that is going very well. It was his first time in such an entourage. In terms of size and gait, Juventus fits nicely next to Eppie. In the beginning, the gray got a bit big and Juventus had some tension. But the horse relaxed again in the second part of the test.”

Martin Hölle wins the pair dressage
Photo: Wilco van Driessen

Under 50 penaltypoints

Amely von Buchholtz also drove a nice test. It was a nice and harmonious general impression, with the circles and transitions well executed. There were some minor tensions that prevented her from improving on Martin’s score. She is now second with 44.94. The French François Dutilloy and Franck Grimonprez also drove excellent tests and completed the quartet that drove under 50 penalty points. Best Dutchman was Rens Egberink. He is 6th with 53.9.

Tomorrow it will be the turn of the Four-in-Hands and the Para Drivers. The first competitors to start drive in the VIP class . Theystart at 9.00 am.

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Rens Egberink was beste Nederlander in de tweespandressuur
Photo: Wilco van Driessen

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