23 August 2022

French entries single and Four-in-Hand World Championship announced

Félix-Marie Brasseur, the French coach, has announced which French drivers will go to the World Championships single and Four-in-Hand in September.


Voor het WK enkelspannen dat van 15 tot en met 18 september plaatsvindt in het Franse Le Haras du Pin, heeft de bondscoach acht kandidaten geselecteerd. In alfabetische volgorde zijn dat:

Félix-Marie Brasseur has selected eight drivers for the FEI Driving World Championships for Singles, which will take place from 15 to 18 September in Le Haras du Pin, France. In alphabetical order these are:

Magalie Aillaud with Fandango
Anne Violaine Brisou with Haronica
Clément Deschamps with Brume de Chablis
Claire Lefort with Darwin de Féline óf Eduward
Fabrice Martin with Lanzaro IFCE
Edouard Morichon with Cwmmeudwy Taliesin
Jean Michel Olive with Aleja de Mesenguy
Marion Vignaud with First Quality

The team will be announced at a later date.


The World Championships for Four-in-Hands will be held in Pratoni del Vivaro, Italy, from September 21 to 25. Brasseur has selected the following drivers (in alphabetical order):

Benjamin Aillaud
Anthony Hordé
Maxime Maricourt
Sébastien Vincent

The coach explains: “It will be a difficult, but interesting task to get on the podium with the national team. We are aiming for a bronze medal, knowing that the Netherlands and Germany will probably finish first and second. Normally Belgium, Hungary and France will compete for bronze.”

“We have an experienced team with Benjamin, Anthony and Sébastien. This will be Maxime his first World Championship, a great opportunity to gain experience.”

Click here for more information of the FEI Driving World Championship for Singles 2022

Click here for more information of the World Championships for Four-in-Hands 2022

Félix-Marie Brasseur
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

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