17 November 2023

FEI Courses in Ászár-Kisbér January 2024

In 2024, Ászár-Kisbér is offering Transfer Up and Maintenance courses for all FEI Driving Officials for all Levels through 3. Applications from the National Federations are due to the FEI by December 8th. This is the only venue offering Tranfer-Up Courses in 2024.

The Transfer-Up Levels (TC) being offered in Kisbér are:

  • National (NF without an equivalency program) to 1*
  • National (NF with an equivalency program) to 2*
  • FEI 1* to FEI 2*
  • FEI 2* to FEI 3*

Please be aware, that Kisbér-Ászár is the only FEI Course in 2024, that will host courses for Promotion (Transfer-Up). The course in Warendorf (GER) 23 April (Stewards) and 6 May (Judges) are only Maintenance courses. Also the Online Courses offered by the FEI in October 2024 are only for Maintenance. Any National level official to promote to 1* or 2* as well as FEI 2* to promote to FEI 3*, in addition to the FEI 1* to 2* are permissible to Transfer-Up at all of the Courses being held in Ászár-Kisbér.

There are no TC yet scheduled in Lausanne for FEI 3* to 4* promotions. Stay tuned.

All Officials must have completed the requirements before the application deadline to be able to attend the Transfer-Up Courses. Requirements for each groups and levels of Officials can be found HERE.

The Course Directors in Kisbér-Ászár are Joaquin Medina for the Judges, Philip Bateman for the Technical Delegates, Johan Jacobs for the Course Designers and Martin Röske for the Stewards. The courses are schedule over a whole week, which allows Officials with several functions to attend one or more courses during the week as they do not overlap. The schedule is as follows:

Technical Delegates: 6-8 January 2024
Judges: 8-10 January 2024
Stewards: 10-11 January 2024
Course Designers: 11-13 January 2024

The deadline of application through the NF is 8 December 2023.

Click here for the Official FEI invitations and more information

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