16 May 2022

Boyd Exell and Belgium take the top spots in Windsor

The international driving competition on the grounds of Windsor Castle is over. Boyd Exell won convincingly, followed by Glenn Geerts and Michael Brauchle. The Belgians won the Nations Cup, Germany was second and IJsbrand Chardon, Koos de Ronde and Hans Heus brought The Netherlands to third place.

Glenn Geerts is happy with his second place. “The points in the dressage were disappointing, but I was very happy with the test. In the marathon I drove a ball off in the first obstacle, but I was able to drive safely. It can be even faster, but of course you don’t want to have too many balls. You saw that with the competition. There were a few who were faster than me, but they still ended up under me because of the number of balls.”

Glenn Geerts
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

Standings shift in cones

Michael Brauchle and Glenn Geerts managed to leave all the balls up today. They received 5.79 and 6.08 penalty points for exceeding the time. “The cones went great. I like difficult courses, so maybe that makes a difference. It was possible to pass the time, but then you knew the balls would be flying around your ears. It was a pity that despite there being so many good drivers here, no one drove faultless. Kronenberg, for example, was also a difficult course, but you could ride more smoothly through it and there were a few clear rounds. On the other hand, it’s nice to see how many shifts there have been within the standings today.”

“The horses were great this week!”, says winner Boyd Exell afterwards. With his dressage score of 32.9, his competition started well. Yet, as with many other drivers, the cones course bothers him. “Unfortunately, it wasn’t great sport,” Boyd says. “But the best of the week did win,” others add.

Click here for the results

Click here for the photo album of the cones

Boyd Exell
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

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