18 May 2016
British Scurry and Trials Driving at Burghley House
There will be a flurry of activity at Burghley House on May Bank Holiday weekend when the British Scurry and Trials Driving team compete in the main arena on both days to entertain the crowds.
Now in its fourth year, this fantastic sport is attracting more and more new members on a monthly basis. Spectators who come along to the living heritage country show to soak up the atmosphere and fabulous shopping won’t be disappointed with this fast paced and adrenalin pumping competition. These fantastic ponies, of all sizes in their carriages with their drivers will race around a course of cones and obstacles to achieve the fastest time.
The ponies love the atmosphere and the louder the crowds shout and applaud the faster the ponies go!
The two days culminate in an overall championship with the winners from the different classes receiving gold medals and galloping a lap of honour.

Please be aware that this is not pure Scurry, it’s Scurry and Trials. This can be compared to the World Cup events, only these are outdoors. It's a course made from cones and obstacles and drivers compete individually against the clock.
The event is run by the controlling body of the sport, the British Scurry and Driving Trials, in the UK.
The Organising Committee is looking for more pony drivers from Europe to compete at the European Championships from August 4th-7th 2016 at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire.