6 November 2016
Daniel Naprous wins Wild Card ticket for Olympia
In the final of the 2016 British Masters Four-in-Hand Series, held at Addington Manor EC on Saturday 5 November, Daniel Naprous drove a stormer to secure his wild card ticket for the FEI World Cup™ Driving at London Olympia on 15, 16 and 17 December.Runner-up Dick Lane gave Daniel a good run for his money, but Dick’s slower first round meant Daniel was able to drive away with the win.
Daniel Naprous will join Koos de Ronde (NED), Theo Timmerman (NED), József Dobrovitz (HUN), József Dobrovitz jr. (HUN), Georg von Stein (GER) and Boyd Exell (AUS), who has received the wild card from the OC, competing in the World Cup leg at Olympia, the London International Horse Show. The first competition will take place at 12:40 hrs on Friday 16 December and the World Cup competition at 18:10 hrs on Saturday 17 December.
The Extreme Driving class is scheduled on Thursday afternoon 15 December, this class does not count for the FEI World Cup.
Click here for more information about the FEI World Cup™ Driving
Source: Britishcarriagedriving.co.uk
Photo: Rinaldo de Craen