17 April 2024
Driving community mourns Ton van der Ven
Through this message, family and friends of Ton van der Ven would like to give notice of his sudden passing. He passed away Tuesday evening, April 16,. He was 58 years old.Last Sunday began as a very beautiful day for Ton. He went out with his grandson and then had a hunting training scheduled. During the training his horse tripped, causing Ton to fall badly. Help was provided immediately, but later the injury proved to be too serious. All help was to no avail. “It was with great pain and sadness that we had to say goodbye to Ton much too soon”, his wife Anne Zaayer responded.
Ton was Technical Delegate for the Dutch federation and judge for the marathon and cones. In addition, he was FEI Testing Technician and FEI Steward level 3. Besides going to (international) competitions a lot with his wife Anne Zaayer, he was active in hunting himself. Everywhere Ton went he was ready for a pleasant chat.
The loss of Ton is a great loss for the driving sport. We wish Anne, family and friends a lot of strength in this enormous and sudden loss. Any further news will follow.

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