17 February 2020
Philippe Liénarts scoring system earns first FEI certificate
The popular scoring system developed by Philippe Liénart is now officially certified by the FEI. The Driving Program is the first program for driving competitions to earn this compulsory certificate.The Driving Program in now listed in the “Lists of FEI Certified Services Providers per discipline”.
Belgian Philippe Liénart is the developer and administrator of the Driving Program: “This is an official recognition of my scoring program. To earn the distinction we tested the program via live stream with the IT team at the FEI and with other external IT specialists. The program is currently being used all over the world, with the exception of Germany and Switzerland who have their own programs. It is now just a question if they will also seek the proper certification.”
Bron: Galop.be/Hoefnet

Philippe Liénart (rechts) heeft als eerste de FEI certificering ontvangen voor zijn rekenprogramma voor het mennen
Photo: Krisztina Horváth
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