17 August 2022
Youth Driving European Championships Start in Kisbér-Ászár
The European Youth Driving Championships have started in Kisbér-Ászár, Hungary.Last night the first important event in the context of the European Championship took place: the always pleasant nations evening, where all competitors, grooms, coaches and officials can meet each other in a casual way. The organization had the brilliant idea to hold the Nations evening in the new stable complex, where each country was given its own box to offer the delicacies they had brought along.
A medal for everyone

First Horse Inspection
This morning at 09:00 am the official part of the European Championship started with the first horse inspection. Under the scrutiny of the vets and judges, the horses and ponies of all competitors were presented. All entered horses and ponies were approved and thus received the “fit to compete” signal. Starting tomorrow morning, the youth drivers in the age categories Children, Juniors and U25 will compete in the dressage phase.
On Saturday, the drivers will drive the heavy marathon and on Sunday the final challenge will be the cones course, after which the medals are distributed.
Click here for the starting orders and results
Click here for the photo album of arrival
Click here for the photo album of the horse inspection
Click here for the photos of the opening ceremony
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