3 January 2018
Exloo: Preparations in full swing for second international competition
In only a few short months the Hippisch Centrum in Exloo will be the focus of the driving world as they hold their second international driving competition from Thursday March 29 to Sunday April 1st, 2018. International single, pair and four-in-hand pony and horse competitors will be starting their show season in northern Holland.
Photo: Krisztina Horváth
As it was in 2017, Exloo will also be accepting entries for national and international para-drivers and will be the season opener for the KNHS Para Men Trophy. The para drivers are busy preparing for the World Championships which will be held in Kronenberg, The Netherlands from August 29th to September 2nd.
This is also the first time in history that the Netherlands will be hosting the Single World Driving Championships which will be held in conjunction with the Para driving World Championships in Kronenberg. For the four-in-hand horses their World Championships will take place late September during the World Equestrian Games in Tyron, USA. The youth drivers will also by vying for a European Championship in Kisbár-Ászár, Hungary this summer.
As Exloo is one of the first big international shows of the season, competitors can start up to two entries in order to prepare and/or qualify for the championship year ahead.
The international driving competition in Exloo was developed by Dutch competitors as an opportunity to promote their standings to two and three star competitions and eventually to qualify for major competition in their own country. Not only the Dutch, but also many other international drivers made use of the competition in Exloo and the organization once again expects competitors from Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg and Sweden.