26 January 2018
FEI Course Ermelo has started!
The FEI Course for Driving Officials at the National Equestrian Centre in Ermelo has started this morning. Seventy officials from 13 different countries have travelled to the Netherlands for promotion or maintenance of their status.
The Course Designers started this morning
Photo: Krisztina Horváth
The Course Designers started their class this morning with Dr. Wolfgang Asendorf (Germany) as Course Director. The Stewards, Judges and Technical Delegates will come to Ermelo tomorrow for their course, which ends on Sunday afternoon.
The Course Director for the Stewards is Jan Devaere (Belgium), the Judges are taught by Joaquin Medina (Spain) and Philip Bateman (Great Britain) will teach the Technical Delegates.
Saturday is reserved for the practical parts where several turnouts will present themselves to the Judges and Course Designers.