4 April 2021
FEI publishes Return To Competition measures from 12 April
The FEI has recenty published the Return To Competition measures that will allow for a safe resumption of international sport in mainland Europe on 12 April following a six-week shutdown to control the spread of the neurological form of the Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1).The measures include a series of temporary provisions, which will remain in place until 30 May 2021, providing a science-based safety margin to allow for monitoring of any further related outbreaks.
Measures for organisers
The list with measures for organisers is long. All events are mandated to have a biosecurity plan and a mitigation plan for outbreaks of infectious disease. OCs must submit these documents to the Veterinary Delegate no later than one week before the event. Maps of where each athlete’s horses are to be stabled must be produced before the arrival of the first horses. Stables must be cleaned and disinfected according to the FEI regulations and there must be mandatory handwashing/hand disinfection at entry/exit points of stables.
No more than 100 horses under one roof
Not more than 100 horses can be stabled overnight in a shared airspace OR not more than 200 horses can be stabled overnight sharing the same airspace. Boxes must then be grouped in units of up to 16 boxes. Minimum six-meter distance in all directions between each unit of 16 boxes. Furthermore, there must be minimum two individual boxes per 100 horses for onsite isolation.
Grooming/harnessing in the aisle area is prohibited, all stabling must have good ventilation and the aisles must have one-way systems so horses do not meet nose-to-nose. Recommendation that vaccinated horses should be stabled separately from unvaccinated horses.
Temperature taking
Temperatures of horses is to be taken twice daily (morning/evening) by athlete/groom and recorded on a clipboard displayed outside the stable of each horse using the FEI temperature recording chart. FEI Officials are to check the results twice daily.
Protocol on arrival and departure
There is an extensive protocol about the examination on arrival and the departure from events. There is special attention to temperature taking. Click here for the protocol. The microchip or passport must be scanned using the FEI HorseApp prior to each horse leaving the venue to ensure traceability should an outbreak occur.
The FEI can cancel a competition upon an outbreak and the FEI can also impose EHV related requirements & restrictions against Athletes, Horses, FEI Officials, OCs at any time, even if an FEI Event is over.

Photo: Krisztina Horváth