19 November 2018
FEI develops new system to replace age limit for Officials
The FEI is currently developing a new competency based evaluation system for FEI Officials. Once developed and in place, the competency based evaluation system will replace the age limit.At this moment, Driving Officials of all categories (Judges, Technical Delegates and Course Designers) must retire at the end of the year in which they reach the age of 70. In very special circumstances and on the recommendation of the FEI Driving Committee the age limit may be extended for a further 2 years. The maximum extension period that can be granted is 4 years.
During the transition period while the competency based evaluation system is being formalised, Officials who have reached the current age limit for their position within their discipline in 2018 or 2019 can apply to the FEI Secretary General for an extension. The Secretary General will consult with the relevant Sport Director, discipline Chair and Veterinary Director and Chair before a decision is made. Applicants for an extension must be in good standing with the FEI and have a record of actively officiating at FEI events over the past two years. Performance metrics will be considered.

Photo: Krisztina Horváth
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