7 March 2024
FEI prohibits the creation and distribution of video images via the internet
The FEI came out with striking news. Taking video images and posting them on the internet is now strictly prohibited. The FEI wants to retain the exclusive rights in this.This applies to major competitions such as the World Cup competitions, Nations Cups, World Championships and the European Championships for Four-in-Hand and Youth Driving. This new rule applies to everyone, so the public, drivers, grooms, trainers, and also the press. These guidelines apply to all content published on websites, blogs and social media platforms and mobile apps. Taking and publishing photos is still allowed.
All rights owned by FEI
All rights to video images are owned by the FEI, as are copyrights. This concerns video images made in the main arena, the warm-up, kiss & cry, leaders’ lounge and the entrance/exit area. In eventing it also includes the cross country course, and in driving the marathon may not be recorded and distributed via the internet.
It has not been announced what sanctions will apply, other than the withdrawal of accreditation for an event for the press.
Read the recently published FEI document here
Source: FEI

Photo: Krisztina Horváth