15 June 2017
First CAI3* in Pleternica
For the first time in its history, Pleternica in Croatia will host a three-star FEI Driving competition. From 23 to 25 June, drivers from Croatia, Hungary, Roumania, USA and Serbia will flock to this unique competition.
The organization is also welcoming pony drivers for the first time at their event, which will be an inaugural Pony Driving Competition in Croatia.
The Ground Jury is led by Wolfgang Csar (Austria). He is assisted by Bogadi Ivica (Cro), Hillar Talts (Est), Istvan Peter (Hun) and Jiri Kunat (Cze). Joaquin Medina (Esp) is the Technical Delegate, while Vilmos Jámbor (Hun) is responsible for the course design of the 2* and Marek Zaleski (Pol) of the 3* competition.
The closing date for entries is 19th June and Pleternica will count as qualifying competition for the FEI World Pair Driving Championships in Lipica, Slovenia, in September.