18 October 2022
Van den Heuvel and Van der Wiel Open Houses cancelled
This autumn there will be no Open Houses organized at carriage builder Chr. van den Heuvel & Zonen and Van der Wiel Harness.This reports Eric van den Heuvel on behalf of both companies.
“We have to start preparing every year from the beginning of August in order to be able to organize the Open Houses. The public relations: making it known in the newspaper, magazines, Facebook, equestrian media and of course preparing the Carriage Museum and polishing the exhibited. It was, and still is, due to the increasing corona figures, completely unclear whether the Open Houses could eventually take place.”
Van den Heuvel adds: “We want to organize a more extensive Easter Show in the spring, but of course customers and visitors are also welcome without Open Houses until then!”

Open Houses in 2019