16 August 2022
Nominated entries World Championship Singles Le Pin au Haras announced
The list of nominated entries for the FEI Driving World Championship for Singles is known. From 15 to 18 September, the drivers will compete with each other in Le Pin au Haras, France.Each country may send six drivers. The Dutch delegation includes defending champion Saskia Siebers, who made an excellent return with Axel last weekend during the last observation show in Wierden. The silver medal winner of Pau 2020 Kelly Houtappels-Bruder is also on the list, as is the French Marion Vignaud who is defending the bronze.
In addition to Saskia Siebers, Piet de Ronde, Eline Houterman, Christiaan Provoost, Frank van der Doelen and Jaap van der Horst will also compete for the Netherlands on the grounds of the French state stud.
Click here for more information and the nominated entries

Photo: Wilco van Driessen
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