9 January 2023

The Driving Moment of … Ad van Hoogstraten

The Hoefnet challenge 'My Most Memorable Driving-Moment' resulted in three great winning stories. We would also like to show you the beautiful stories that did not make it to the top three. Below the driving moment of the 76-year-old Ad van Hoogstraten is described. He is a former judge, who still enjoys volunteering during competitions.

At the world championship for Four-in-Hand horses in Pratoni del Vivaro, Italy 2022, I was looking for memories of the World Championship in 1998, which was organized on the same site. At that time, Jan Cornelissen was the course designer and I went along as assistant.

One obstacle remained the same (see the 1998 photo). After 24 years, the building is still standing proudly and was used during the last World Championship as a mandatory gate (see second photo!).

As a volunteer at the World Championships in Pratoni, I enjoyed the beautiful driving sport and the conversations with people who have a warm heart for this sport.

Pratoni (1998)
Photo: Private collection

Pratoni (2022)
Photo: Private collection

Ad, thank you again for your nice story. We will send you two Hoefnet caps as a thank-you gift!

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