13 May 2021

It is Hoefnet’s 25-year anniversary, we are going to celebrate Covid-style with a giveaway!

Today, on the 13th of May Hoefnet - the world’s most prominent carriage driving website for current news and results will celebrate its 25th birthday!

When Cindy Timmer and her former partner started Hoefnet, they could never have predicted how popular Hoefnet would become or forsee the important role that the site plays in the driving world today.

Over the years there have been changes within the Hoefnet team and at the beginning of March this year, Meike Paridaans assumed ownership of the website.

No streamers, balloons, or champagne, but….

Hoefnet wanted to celebrate their 25-year anniversary together with the driving community at a splashy event such as CAI Kronenberg. Of course, we are thrilled that the competitions are slowly starting up again, but for now without national shows, without spectators, and without an on-location Hoefnet party.

Despite this, we still want to celebrate “Covid-style” with a giveaway for drivers, grooms, organizers, judges, sponsors and all enthusiasts of our great sport!

.... what are we going to do?

The members of the Hoefnet team have all experienced a memorable Hoefnet moment. Events, situations, random happenings that draw a smile every time you think of them, such as the example below from our editor Gemma.

We would like to hear your stories and memories of Hoefnet, and what the site has meant for you in the last 25 years. Tell us your most memorable moment, your “Love on first SITE” feeling, your “Saved by Hoefnet” situation or your “Once in a live-scoring time” experience, or just your own personal story, or funny memory involving Hoefnet!


For the best submissions we have some great prizes which are provided by our wonderful advertisers:

  • Van den Heuvel Carriages: Three pairs of Ideal gloves (standard or winter + size of your choice  small / medium / large)

  • Van der Wiel Harness: Five pots of leather grease (1 kg)

  • VDB – Stables: two driving lessons from Berry van den Bosch

  • Nicole voor Menners:
    a Cellpad saddle or breast collar pad, “custom” colour solid black (60 – 80 – 100 of 120 centimeter)

Let us know how or what you have experienced with Hoefnet and share your story under the Facebook message with this news article or send it directly to [email protected].

The winners will be announced on the 20th of May.

A memorable moment

Breda”, tells editor Gemma Verlaan. “It had rained all week and when I arrived my car went right up to the axles in mud as soon as I drove off of the rubber mats to park. I had to wait on a tractor to pull me into the parking lot. It was ice cold, windy and raining, working a camera and holding an umbrella at the same time wasn’t working; but hey! It was the World Championships and even if we get wet, so be it, we’re going to enjoy a day of great sport! Or so I thought…”

She continues: “I had found the perfect spot to film on a hill with a 360-degree view. After just a half hour of filming I received a phone call – there was one marathon obstacle in a hedge and the FEI camera, which was pointed at a crucial ball in the obstacle was not working. I was the only one on the grounds with an FEI camera, and you can guess what followed…I ended up standing the entire day in the cold, wind and rain filming one bloody ball on a post in a hedge while every now and then a mud-spattered pony hitch would drive by. Cindy came around often with hot coffee and sandwiches to ease the situation. At the end of the day, I was thrilled that the Dutch pony drivers had done so well, but not as thrilled as I was to be back on the asphalt with the heater on full blast heading home. It was maybe not the best memory, but definitely the most memorable.”

Want to know more about the history behind Hoefnet? Click here

Curious about the team behind Hoefnet? Click here.