9 December 2020

Hoefnet presents …. The Cosy Christmas Challenge!

As the end of this bizarre year draws to an end many drivers will be missing the indoor marathons and Christmas drives which are such a part of the season, but will not take place due to Covid-19.

But… we will not give up, and will keep looking positively towards the new outdoor season, and of course keep driving and training! In an attempt to brighten up these dark days, Hoefnet was inspired through a video from four-in-hand driver Edwin van der Graaf and have put together an online challenge: The Cosy Christmas Challenge

Create a cheerful fun video of your horse(es) and/or pony(ies) in the Christmas spirit! 

The type of video is completely up to you: creative, ambiance, with lights and/or music, costumes, but also humour, fiction, animation… the options are endless (as long as animal welfare is not brought into question). Originality will be rewarded!

The ‘extremely knowledgeable’ judges will consist of the Hoefnet editors and Edwin van der Graaf, who will decide which three videos will be featured on the Hoefnet website. Other videos will be featured on Hoefnet’s Facebook page.

Photographs are also welcome, but will not count towards the competition.

How does it work?

Create your original film, upload it to YouTube and send the link to [email protected].  No YouTube? Email your video via the free service WeTransfer. Videos can be submitted until 31 December. Winners will be announced in the New Year.

There are of course a few conditions:

  • Your horse/pony and carriage is the centra focus
  • You have no objections to your video being placed on our website or Facebook page
  • The film is not longer than 2 minutes
  • You follow the Covid-19 guidelines of the RIVM (Social distancing 1, 5m and wear a mask (when applicable))

The three best, funniest and most notable/special videos will win two Hoefnet baseball caps. But this is not all – there are two superb prizes to win! A training weekend including over night accommodation for driver, groom and horse at PSC De Dijkgraaf.  And an Ideal fleece quarter sheet (excl. postage), donated by Nicole voor Menners.

Together we can get through this quiet winter so that we can once again enjoy our sport together next season. 

Have fun and good luck!

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