2 January 2018
Youth drivers to start in Gothenburg
During the Gothenburg Horse Show which takes place on Saturday, February 24th the program will once again include the very popular sport of driving. After an exciting World Cup Finale in 2017 and the successful European four-in-hand Championships this past summer, it is now time for the youth drivers to have their chance to shine.
Photo: Karolina Swärdh
“The European Championships for the youth will be taking place this coming summer in Kisbér-Ászár Hungary, and this will be an excellent chance for our talented drivers to compete in such a large venue,” tells Annika Borg, chef d’equipe for the Swedish team. The eight Swedish drivers will compete against each other in a mirrored course which will include various gates of cones and obstacles.

Photo: Karolina Swärdh