30 November 2019
Johan Jacobs to build World Cup final in Bordeaux
The Dutch level 4 course designer Johan Jacobs is responsible for building the course for the World Cup Final for four-in-hand horses in Bordeaux which is to be held 8-9 February 2020.
Photo: Krisztina Horváth
For years Jacobs has been the course designer at the World Cup competitions in Genève and London Olympia and this weekend has built the course for the first time in Stockholm.
This will be the third time that Johan Jacobs will be responsible for the World Cup Final course. In 2017 he designed the course for the final in Gothenburg and last season he also designed the course in Bordeaux, which was a spectacular contest won by Bram Chardon. Jacobs has also contributed to the indoor in Boedapest where his marathon obstacles will be in use.
The judges for the 2020 Final in Bordeaux will be Andrew Counsell, Bert Jambon and Mickaël Delignières.
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