3 April 2017
Laholm successfully hosts FEI Stewards Course
At an idyllic retreat, Lantliga Ryttarförening near Laholm Sweden, 14 participants from Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Finland and Norway attended an FEI Course for Stewards. Steward General Jan Devaere led the Seminar, with a combination of classwork and some outdoor training for all of the students.
Lisbet Winberg - Gunnar Larsson - Lars Strömqvist - Susanne Mathiassen - Elisabeth V Flensted Helene Obel - Louise Andreasen - Line Andersen - Pernilla Dunstrand - Philip Bateman - Kaija Borup Jill Isebark Jan Devaere
This will help to add some new Stewards to the FEI List and to refresh some of the older and more experienced ones. This Course added on to the one that took place in Poznan, Poland last weekend. Jan used his new Powerpoint Presentation again, with plenty of photographs, as well as the material he has used to train countless Stewards over the last few years. To this was added an update on the new rules for the coming season.
The Swedish Federation with Jill Isebark organised the whole affair, to the satisfaction of all concerned. Lunch and dinner was provided for everybody, cooked and eaten at the Riding School. The sun even visited, for a short while on Saturday, but it was mostly a little on the cold side, but the invitation advised bringing some warm clothing.