21 September 2017

Reading by Internationaal 4* Judge Anne Marie Turbé

On Saturday October 7th, International 4* judge Anne Marie Turbé will be giving a reading at Stal Aarts in Liessel. Turbé is a familiar face on the competition circuit and a member of the FEI technical driving commission. She will be sharing her vision of the driving sport with us, with a particular focus on dressage.

Beginning at 7:30pm, the evening will cover a number of topics, but will focus on driven dressage and what the judges are specifically looking for at the international level. The dressage tests will be dissected movement by movement and time will be given for questions at the end of the evening. The reading will be given in english, but dutch translationis available if necessary. This promises to be an interesting and educational evening, and a chance to take home some valuable homework for the winter months!
The reading is open to all interested drivers, judges and officials and the cost is €30 per person. Please reserve you spot asap by emailing [email protected]