4 November 2022

Maastricht 2022: Boyd Exell again class apart

In two magnificent clear rounds, reigning World Champion Boyd Exell once again outdid his competitors in the MECC in Maastricht tonight. Exell’s rounds were a fine example of driving skill, and both IJsbrand Chardon and Koos de Ronde had to acknowledge his superiority.

Where his competitors tapped balls here and there, Exell drove his four-in-hand team through the challenging and selective course of Jeroen Houterman perfectly. The audience in the full stands enthusiastically cheered on the rounds of the six drivers, who drove on the cutting edge.

Both Chardon and De Ronde were selected for the second round over the shortened course. Koos de Ronde made a steering error and drove through gate 7 before he was supposed to, which gave him extra penalty seconds. IJsbrand Chardon was unable to close the gap with Exell due to two dropped balls.

German Michael Brauchle was driving for the first time in Maastricht and missed by one ball after qualifying for the drive-off and finished fourth. Wild card driver Glenn Geerts made three mistakes and finished fifth today, ahead of Frenchman Benjamin Aillaud with his four-in-hand Lusitano horses.

Saturday evening at 9.45 pm the Four-in-Hand drivers will start again in the World Cup competition in which the World Cup points will be earned.

Click here for the results

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Photo: Wil Smeets

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