29 August 2023
Marie de Ronde-Oudemans appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau
Tonight Marie de Ronde-Oudemans was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau. This happened, without her being aware of it, after the opening ceremony at the World Pony Show in Oirschot.
Photo: Sabine Timman
The request to appoint Marie to the Order of Orange-Nassau came from many different people within the driving sport. Marie started taking pictures of the Four-in-Hand at a young age, which she also did for Hoefnet earlier this month at the Dutch Championships for single and pair horses in Gaasterland. Later she was groom for several drivers and got to know husband Koos.
Marie takes care of the show office for many competitions, but also jumps in when there are computer problems, when braiding is needed or when help is needed in the obstacles. In addition, she is involved within all aspects of organizing national and international competitions, is a national and international judge, provides refresher training for judges and officials for the Dutch Equestrian federation and was Chef d’Equipe several times for The Netherlands, Australia, Italy and America, among others. As if that wasn’t enough, Marie made a major contribution to the Dutch driving sport, including bringing the World Championships in Beesd 2008 to the Netherlands.
Role model
Marie is a role model and is always willing to help others. This is how she came up with the Chapeau! prize, which is intended to honor volunteers for their commitment to the driving sport. Marie is a jack-of-all-trades who brings the Dutch and international equestrian sport to a higher level and has a solution or a different insight for every problem due to her vast knowledge, experience and enthusiasm.
Thanks to all the above-mentioned contributions to the sport of driving, Marie was today appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau by the mayor of the Municipality of Voorne aan Zee, Mr. Peter Rehwinkel. This is a particularly high distinction in the Order of Orange-Nassau.
Marie, also on behalf of Team Hoefnet, congratulations!

Photo: Sabine Timman
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