10 November 2016
New FEI education format Driving will come up
A selected number FEI Course Directors driving for judges, TD’s and stewards were meeting in Brugge (BEL) on 7 and 8 November. The FEI new educational program for the driving officials was the topic on the table for intense and positive discussion.As the FEI driving sport is growing consistently, new officials should stand up via their National Federations (NF). They need experience and education and will have to go through the new FEI educational program.
Number of FEI driving competitions
2011 – 45
2014 – 54
2015 – 64
2016 – 68
Number of FEI driving officials (judges, CD, TD & stewards)
2011 – 285
2014 – 346
2015 – 382
2016 – 393
There are at this moment 342 driving officials without counting the double/triple function some have.
TD: 37
Judges : 88
CD: 43
Stewards: 225 (*)
(*) stewards can function in most of the disciplines, but about active driving stewards, the total of 225 should be strongly filtered.

Sitting from left: Mrs. Wendy Laeremans (Director BEL NF), Mr. Jacky Buchmann (President BEL NF), Mark Wentein (BEL), Karoly Fugli (HUN – Chair FEI Driving Committee), Manuel Bandeira de Mello (POR – Director FEI Driving Department). Standing from left: Richard Papens (BEL), Laurianne Noble (FEI Driving Department), Dr. Klaus Christ (GER), Harald Muller (FEI Education Director), Anne Marie Turbé (FRA), Anna Orgeas (FEI Driving Department), Joaquín Medina (ESP), Jan Devaere (BEL).
Photo: Mathias Wentein
Karoly Fugli (HUN) chaired this meeting. For the FEI HQ, Manuel Bandeira de Mello (POR), the new director of the FEI Driving Department was assisted by Laurianne Noble (SUI) and Anna Orgeas (SUI) from the driving office. Harald Muller, FEI director education, informed the advisors about the new plans and system that will be installed not before 2018.
As advisors were present Joaquin Medina (ESP), Anne-Marie Turbé (FRA), Dr. Klaus Christ (GER) . They were joined by their Belgian colleague FEI Course Directors: Richard Papens (TD) Jan Devaere (FEI-chief Steward driving) and Mark Wentein (judges).
“Education is the base for a next generation of new driving officials, that our sport is needing and from 2017, the FEI Campus – a complete new online learning platform we be installed,” confirmed Harald Muller, Director of the FEI driving Education.
Bruges, was chosen as meeting place, as 3 stakeholders are based in Belgium. Mark Wentein, outgoing member of the FEI committee at the end of 2016, looked also for the social program. A horse carriage tour through the historical UNESCO city heritage of Bruges, and a visit to the horse stables of these tourism working horses, was attended also by the President of the Belgian NF Mr. Jacky Buchmann and Mrs. Wendy Laeremans (director BEL NF).
All members of this FEI meeting were warmly invited by the Belgian NF for a dinner. After the final day of meeting, all participants visited the Stud and carriage collection of Mr. Willy Naessens in Elsegem (BEL); well-known industrial in het construction business and as recreational four-in-hand driver Mr Naessens is not only sponsor of the World Champion Boyd Exell (AUS) but also the organiser since two years of the Belgian national Championship driving. Mr Naessens has the intention to organise in some years, perhaps a FEI World Championship driving.
“To round up, I can confirm that these two days in Belgium were very fruitful to set out the guidelines for the new driving educational format of the FEI”, finalised Karoly Fugli, Chairman of the FEI driving committee.
Mark Wentein

Visit to the stud of Mr. Willy and Mrs. Marie-Jeanne Naessens in Elsegem (BEL) organiser of the Belgian Championship driving.
Photo: Mark Wentein