31 October 2022
Observers welcome at the FEI Course for Driving Officials Lipica 2023
After the successful clinic with Boyd Exell and Martin Hölle in March this year, the Lipizzaner Stud Farm Lipica in Slovenia will host an official FEI Course for Driving Officials from February 15th to 19th, 2023. This FEI Course for Judges, Stewards, Course Designers and Technical Delegates is open to all FEI Officials and non-FEI officials.All in one place
Lipica would like to wish a warm welcome to the FEI Officials and the non-FEI officials such as trainers, competitors and national officials, who are invited to join the Courses as Observers. The theoretical part will take place in the wonderful Maestoso Hotel on site, where all participants will be accommodated. The impressive main arena in Lipica will be the place to be for the practical part. In case of bad weather conditions, Lipica offers the opportunity to use the comfortable indoor arena.
Learn from the best!
Take this opportunity to learn from the best!
The Course Directors are World Championship level Officials Andrew Counsell (GBR) for the Judges, Martin Röske (GER) for the Stewards, Philip Bateman (GBR) for the Technical Delegates and Jeroen Houterman (NED) for the Course Designers.
Provisional programme:
Wednesday 15 February 2023
15.00 – 17.00 Course Designers
Thursday 16 February 2023
09.00 – 17.00 Course Designers
Friday 17 February 2023
09.00 – 14.00 Course Designers
15.00 – 18.00 Judges/Stewards/TD’s
Saturday 18 February 2023
09.00 – 17.00 Judges/Stewards/TD’s
Sunday 19 February 2023
09.00 – 15.00 Judges/Stewards/TD’s
Apply before 23rd January 2023!
The deadline for applications is 23rd January 2023.
FEI Officials: please apply through your National Federation.
Observers: please apply directly through Lipica Stud Farm: guest.experience@lipica.org
The Course Fee is € 225.
Hotel reservations for all to be made directly through Lipica Stud Farm: guest.experience@lipica.org
The costs for the hotel accommodation for 2 nights including 2 x breakfast, 2 x lunch and 2 x dinner is € 250 per person.
Closest airports/train stations: Trieste airport (ITA, 25 km), Trieste train station (ITA, 15 km), Ljubljana airport (SLO, 100 km), Venice airport (ITA, 200 km).
Book your shuttle to Lipica Stud Farm directly on: https://www.goopti.com/en/
Click here for the invitations on the FEI Calendar.

Photo: Krisztina Horváth