14 May 2024

Unfortunate accident for Bram Chardon

Bram Chardon, from Den Hoorn, the Netherlands, had an accident last Tuesday that caused his team to fall in the ditch next to the road. His father IJsbrand is opinionated the bad state of the road is the leading cause for this accident. The incident took place at the Smalle Ommedijk in Hoorn, along the backside of Chardon’s property.

The 30-year-old top athlete was training with his team Tuesday morning. The horses had no reaction to being overtaken by two cyclists. However, when an elderly lady passed and fell, everything went horribly wrong. The woman and her bicycle fell next to the asphalt and this caused the two horses in front to spook. They jumped sideways, directly into the ditch. They pulled the wheelers and carriage with them. In the end, emergency services were able to rescue the horses.

Chardon is opiniated that this accident was not only due to bad luck. He thinks the state of the road is the problem. A renovation from a farm made a lot of heavy traffic pass, causing severe damage to the road’s surface. Chardon says there is a difference of at least 8 centimeters between the edges and the rest of the road.


The elderly lady was the only one injured in the accident. According to Chardon, this is a miracle. Because the ditch was shallow, the horses were able to stand. If this wasn’t the case, the scenario could have been totally different. If someone gets stuck under the horses, they won’t survive it. Chardon is hopeful that the municipality will recover the road soon. The road has been in this state for at least a year and this wasn’t the first time it caused someone to fall.

The municipality was not able to react yet.

Source: De Telegraaf