3 May 2020

Online Dressage Test Evaluation has been enthusiastically received and will continue!

Hoefnet's virtual initiative "Let your dressage test be evaluated online' has been received with open arms by the driving world. Since it's launch there have already been a large number of videos sent to and evaluated by our national and international FEI judges. Due to the popularity of the project, Hoefnet has decided to extend the service for the coming months to ensure that everyone can make use of it.

The coronavirus has thrown a wrench in any plans to host or compete at an event such as a driving competition so far in 2020. The online test evaluation has proven a useful tool for drivers who continue to train and wish to be ready when competitions resume. The YouTube links from Dutch, Russian, Canadian, German, Danish and Swedish drivers have been coming in regularly and both drivers and judges alike are extremely positive regarding the experience.

More feedback, critical but constructive

Single driver Eline Houterman sent in videos of all three of her horses driving the FEI dressage test. Within a few days, she received her tests back, filled with English comments. “Normally we would already be immersed in the season and would have the corresponding feedback of how the horses stand after a winter of training. The tests I received back have extensive comments; critical, but constructive. Because the judges now have more time and can pause or rewind the film you really do receive a more complete feedback than what you would get from a normal competition.”

Eline Houterman in 2019
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

"Kitchen table judge"

Swedish driver Marika Stromberg (pair ponies) was really happy with her test:

“This was so useful for me! It is really impressive how much effort the ‘kitchen table judge’ made to give as much commentary as possible. I was able to send the test and comments to my trainer Glenn Geerts to discuss how we can adapt the training for the future. If the corona crisis sticks around, I hopefully can do my homework and send in a new film!”

Marika Stromberg in 2019
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

Ring work instead of a drive in the forest

Danish drivers were also very enthusiastic; Alis Søgaard Jensen (single horse) en Niels Schelde Petersen (pair ponies) sent in two videos. “The service provided by Hoefnet has motivated us with our ring work, even when the nice weather entices you to go for a drive in the forest. We both hope that the online judging becomes a fixture, even when te corona crisis is over. This is not only valuable in the winter season but also in the weeks leading up to the outdoor season.”

Niels Schelde Petersen in 2019
Photo: Krisztina Horváth

Confirmation that you're ready for the season

Saskia Siebers (single horse) also took advantage of the program and sent in videos of her horses Axel and Guus, filming from both C and B. “I am becoming more and more excited about the idea and I was really happy with Axel’s test. You can think that you are ready for the season, but to get that confirmation back is really inspiring. The tests were sent to two different judges and were anonymous. I could tell by the comments that they seriously looked at the tests and that it really is possible to judge a filmed test. Of course you see more in ‘real life’ but this is definitely worthwhile to do!”

Saskia Siebers with Guus

Through good feedback, back to the basics

For German driver Nicole Harm (four-in-hand ponies) the online test evaluation is a real addition to her training. “As a new driver in the international sport I really want to be well prepared. In a period of four weeks I have used the service three times and I wish to continue using it. Sometimes I wish that points were given, but that is not obligatory for the judges. I have received so much feedback and have so much to work on that I have gone back to the basics and am working the ponies separately. I feel that things are really improving and can review the tests with my father-in-law and national judge Manfred Harm.

Most of the time things go better at home than at a show but don’t make the assumption that it is not necessary to send in a film. The moment you drive and film a dressage test from start to finish, there will almost always be an issue.”

Nicole Harm, at home during her test

Comments, but not from the eye of the trainer

The judges have also been extremely enthusiastic about the service, even though not all of the film material that was sent in was easy to evaluate. Filming from C, where the President of the jury sits tends to give a picture that is difficult to judge on the screen. The test is best filmed when taken from a place between about 25m from a corner on the long side.

One of the (anonymous) judges explains:

“Normally when we sit with the other judges around the ring, the test is seen from three to five different perspectives. With a film it is important that we can see the dressage exercises and that way of going of the horse in a manner that is as good as possible to evaluate. It is less important to see that a test is driven exactly over the A-C line or over X, but that the entire test can be brought into picture. A black pony against a dark background or a test that is filmed into the sun is difficult to judge. We are doing our best to give as much commentary as possible, but we are not taking on the role of a trainer.

My advice: during your warm-up, take a few films from different perspectives around the ring to test which gives the best picture. We hope to receive more videos, as this form of training and ‘staying sharp’ is not only useful for the drivers but also the judges. Don’t be afraid to send in a film if your ring isn’t the right size or is bumpy, or if you are not quite ready for the show ring, your pony is not clipped or your carriage is not clean.”

The free online service continues!

As the future of the outdoor season remains in question due to the corona crisis, this free online service from Hoefnet will be extended in the coming months for everyone, no matter the combination level or ring size. It is not a problem to send in second or third film after a pause as we wish to help you with your training and both the judges and Hoefnet are ready to help.

Click here for more information

Good luck, enjoy and stay healthy!

Saskia Siebers met Axel, thuis tijdens de filmproef

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