26 August 2022
The Death of Evi Vandersmissen leaves a big impression
We announced about a month and a half ago, that Evi Vandersmissen, wife and groom of Sven Tinlot, died in a serious accident at the national driving competition in Linden, Belgium. That it has left a great impression on the driving world is expressed in many ways, such as mourning bands, a special marathon obstacle in memory of her, a donation campaign, and a personalized memory book.The weekend after the accident, the international pony competition Oirschot took place, where many countrymen, friends, and other acquaintances of Evi wore a mourning band and/or a white rose in memory of Evi. During the European Youth Championships in Kisbér-Ászár, she was remembered by means of obstacle two, the bridge obstacle, on which a photo of Evi was hanging. The Belgian youths added white roses to that.
In addition, Wannes Piccart (BEL) dedicated his gold medal in the marathon in the Children single pony division to her. At the championship those present could leave a message in a memory book, which was later handed over to Sven.
Donation campaign
Sven was also seriously injured, and so his friends set up a donation campaign for him. Sven still has a long rehabilitation ahead of him, while the care for the animals continues at home and the bills all still have to be paid.
Do you want to do something to help Sven, but not sure how or what? Then view the donation campaign. Any contribution, large or small, is greatly appreciated.

Obstacle 2 at the European Youth championships in Kisbér-Ászár
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