25 October 2019
Pau 2019: Dressage victory for Laure Philippot
The second part of the Dressage of the Nations Cup for Horse Singles in Pau took place today under a lovely sunshine. The heavy rainfall of the last days was replaced by nice sunny weather and the wet grass footing of the dressage arena dried up during the day.
Laure Philippot
Photo: Nicolas Hodys
Belgium’s leading lady in Single Driving Laure Philippot took the top honours, driving her 11-year old Hannoverian gelding Galen V. Laure’s test was unanimously awarded with the first place by the international Ground Jury. Best French driver is Fabrice Martin, who drove the Hannoverian Lanzaro Ene HN to the second place, just ahead of the best Dutch driver Rudolf Pestman driving his experienced piebald Diesel.
The French team leads the Nations Cup thanks to the good results of Fabrice Martin and 2018 Pau-winner Marion Vignaud. The German team is in second place and is made up this time of three young and talented drivers; Marie Tischer, Annika Geiger and Jessica Wächter. The Orange team is currently in third place.
The Cones competition kicks off at 09.30 on Saturday morning.
Click here for starting orders, results and other information.

Rudolf Pestman
Photo: Nicolas Hodys
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