22 October 2020

Pau 2020: Marion Vignaud takes the lead

The remaining 13 competitors entered the main arena today for the dressage of the FEI Driving World Championship for Singles in Pau. France’s home favorite Marion Vignaud was the one to last starter and drove her First Quality to the first place with a score of 43,36.

Marion herewith left the Dutch leading lady Saskia Siebers with Axel behind. Saskia left the arena earlier this morning with a score of 44,36 and took over the lead from the overnight leader Kelly Houtappels-Bruder.

Marion was very pleased with her test and with her horse: “The feeling was very good, my horse was very quiet and with me all the time. I was able to drive him they way I wanted. This is a new horse and I am very pleased with the way he perfomed.”

Photo: Krisztina Horváth

Title defender Bartek Kwiatek had a few minor mistakes and his stallion Sonet was distracted at some point. This also happened to Galen V from Laure Philippot. Her horse spooked several times but also showed some very good movements. Philippot is currently in fourth position after the dressage, followed by the second team driver from the Netherlands Rudolf Pestman, young driving talent Marie Schiltz representing Luxemburg and Bartek Kwiatek.

The differences between the top 3 of the individual standings (Viganud, Siebers, Houtappels) are very small. The Netherlands is leading the Nations Cup with France in second place and Luxemburg in third position.

Tomorrow’s marathon, designed by French level 4 Course Designer Jacques Tamalet will be heavy and selective. The obstacles are very nice and technical, but not too narrow. It will ensure a very competitive battle!

Click here for the results.

Click here for the photos.

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