10 October 2021
Salteras 2021: No changes in classification after nice marathon
Today was Marathon Day in Salteras at the welcoming site of Quemadales stables of host Miguel Angel Gutierrez Camarillo, a level 3 Driving judge himself. The 33 drivers all enjoyed the nice marathon, which finished just before the temperatures became too hot.
Photo: Krisztina Horváth
Dressage winner Llibert Calvet set the fastest times in each of the seven obstacles and has now got a big advantage to Manuel Diaz Martin, who finished in second place behind Antonio Carrillo in the horse teams class.
Manuel Gonzalez was the fastest in the marathon with his horse pair, but thanks to his second place, Oliver Lange has kept his lead. Sebastian Sabater is currently in third place.
Antonio Perez stayed just ahead of Inaka Solana Marti in the national singles class, while Sebastian Sabater won the marathon in the international class. Alberto Chiner Perez finished in second place, followed by Jorge Capela which means the top three has not changed after the marathon.
The Children only drove four obstacles, in which Daniel Pineda was the best again. Junior Driver Bernardo Losa drove five obstacles and was pleased with his results as well.
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