12 February 2017
Successful FEI Courses in Vecsés
The Hungarian Equestrian Federation was the host of very successful FEI courses in Vecsés last weekend. In total over 40 judges, stewards and course designers travelled to Hungary to take part in the three courses for maintain and promotion.
Photo: Krisztina Horváth
Joaquín Medina (ESP) was the Course Director for the judges, while Jan Devaere (BEL) was educating the Stewards and Dr. Wolfgang Asendorf (GER) was responsible for the Course Designers. The FEI course was opened on Friday afternoon by Barna Fejér on behalf of the Hungarian Driving Committee, after which all three groups started their work separately with introduction, general presentations about the FEI and judging, stewarding and course designing. At the end of the day, all completed a passing in exam.
The Course Designers were working at the site of the Dobrovitz family during the three days, where they had good facilities not only for practical, but theoretical education as well. The Judges and the stewards also went to Dobrovitz Horse Farm on Saturday, to do some practical work and judge dressage and cones. Hungary based Estonian driver Pille-Riin Roosileht and Hungarian international drivers József Farkas, Márk Osztertág and Zsolt Szilágyi drove two pony pairs, a horse team, a horse pair and a horse single in front of the 18 participants of the Judge’s course. A horse was presented for the stewards to imitate a horse inspection and discuss what is done well or wrong during presenting a horse at the first horse inspection. Later the group checked the horse team after the dressage test and had a closer look at different carriages and harnesses which are used during driving events. A cones course was set up by the Course Designers in the afternoon, which was later driven by a driver for the Judges. On Sunday, the courses ended with oral exams for the Judges and the Stewards and a passing out test not only for them but for the Course Designers, too.