12 September 2017
Ticket Sales FEI World Equestrian Games™ to start October 16th
The one year to go countdown to the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 (WEG) was launched today. With more than 500,000 people expected to attend the 2018 Games, the 12-day spectacle of equestrian champions is one of the biggest events on the global sporting calendar and will be the largest equestrian event in North Carolina's history. The OC announced today that tickets will go on sale to the public on Monday, October 16, 2017. Competition action at WEG 2018 runs from September 12 through September 23, 2018, with the Opening Ceremony scheduled for September 11.
Boyd Exell is the title defender in Tryon
Photo: Amy Mundell
A variety of ticketing types and prices will be offered such as an All Games Pass for each week of competition or both weeks, an All Session Day Pass, All Session Discipline Pass, as well as individual event tickets, and opening and closing ceremonies. Ticket prices vary, but include an inexpensive Day Pass that gives attendees access to event grounds and expo only. A complete list of ticketing options will be available online at www.tryon2018.com or www.ticketmaster.com