9 December 2019
Vecsés returning to the international driving calendar
After an absence of four years, the international driving competition in Vecsés Hungary will be back on the calendar in 2020. From 6-9 August the Dobrovitz family will welcome the international driving community to their grounds just outside of Budapest.The competition will be open for single, pair and four-in-hand ponies and horses. For the four-in-hand horses the competition will be a qualification for the 2020/2021 World Cup season. The remaining divisions will compete at a two-star level.
Vecsés is supported in part by newcomer to the four-in-hand world, band director József Vida, who took part in the World Cup competition in Budapest this past weekend with a wild card. Vida waged a bet with József Dobrovitz in December 2018 that he would compete the following year in the Hungarian capital and took the reins into his hands for the very first time last March. After his very first competition he qualified and was a very proud competitior in Budapest.

Photo: Krisztina Horváth
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