2 April 2020

An Introduction to the Hoefnet Team – Cindy: ‘So proud of what we have achieved’

Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of Hoefnet. With more than 133,000 unique visitors per month, it has become one of the most popular combined-driving websites in the world. But who are the people behind Hoefnet? We would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our staff, starting with Cindy Timmer, the founder, owner and editor-in-chief.

A hobby that got a bit out of hand

Cindy: ‘Hoefnet began in 1996 as an information list of farriers (HOEFsmeden) on the interNET—hence the name Hoefnet. Since then it has grown into a mega-website that is translated into four languages. It started out as a hobby but has morphed into this other creature that links to my occupation organizing international driving competitions. I am lucky to have a crack team that is a pleasure to work with, and together we make sure that Hoefnet is well informed and up to date. It makes me incredibly proud to think that Hoefnet is known and appreciated across the entire world.’

How things work

‘All of the emails sent to Hoefnet are firstly read by me. I then pass on the messages to one of our people who ensure they get published on the website. Every day we receive numerous emails of announcements and photos that need to be processed in a timely manner. I also supervise any technical adjustments to the site in collaboration with our partner We/Provide.

The publication of starting orders and results works in one of two ways: if the competition is using Philippe Lienart’s program to calculate scores they are published and updated automatically. Other starting orders and results must be added to the website manually. I also write most of the news articles and employ our translators to cater for our international readers.’

On top of the news

‘Professionally I operate as show secretary for a large number of international combined-driving competitions and European and World Championships both here in the Netherlands and abroad. My immersion in the sport means that I have my finger on the latest news and continuously work with organizers to fully utilize our website. During competitions I am kept busy with administrative tasks, so posts to the website are mostly managed by Gemma or Magda.

Since the inception of the FEI World Cup Driving in 2001 I have also been involved with the indoor circuit. Initially I was responsible for FEI press releases, but I am currently an official ‘liaison’ which enables me to facilitate the up-do-date reporting on Hoefnet. I am also often asked to write driving-related press releases for the KNHS (Dutch Federation).’

Cindy can be often found in the office of a number of large international competitions with her right-hand-woman Krisztina (r)

Enjoyment of the sport

‘In the past I have groomed for a number of international drivers. Now and then I drive recreationally, but on a free Saturday I truly enjoy joining friends for a drive with their pair of horses.

Read more about Cindy’s activities on her website www.head2tail.nl

Every year Cindy (l) grooms in Aachen for Baron Wolf von Buchholtz, with whom she has groomed a number of competitions.
Photo: Marie de Ronde-Oudemans

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